This cold? The coughing every evening, til my ribs are sore? It will pass. This gray, or sunny, or snowy weather? It will pass. The baby who fusses and drools hour upon hour? Little one who can't sit still for a minute? Sticky, runny-nosed faces? That, too. But, so will the achingly sweet laughter. The moment of calm. The sleepy head on your knee. The caress. We can only count on change. It keeps us alive. It keeps us dying every moment. Rolling inexorably to the sea, like wheels set afire and rolled to the river. Giveaway! Leave a comment below, and I will enter your name in a drawing for either a 45-minute storytelling performance (local peeps only, sorry!) OR mp3 files of two of my favorite stories to tell! Contest closes Sunday evening at 9:00 pm CST. Names will be drawn from a hat, unless that's impractical, in which case I'll use a random number generator. Good luck! ~~~~~~SRL~*~*~*~
11/16/2013 01:58:22 pm
Love this, Sara! Like Jeannine, I miss your wisdom...and your stories! :)
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AuthorHi. That's me. I write, sometimes, about parenting, storytelling, and about living a life with stories. Categories
April 2023