stop caring what others think.
stop listening to the voices in your head that whisper half-truths and full lies. stop checking your stats, likes, follows, retweets, comments. stop checking the phone. stop yelling. stop feeling like a failure. stop trying to fix it. all of it. stop numbing. stop asking for permission. stop staying up too late. stop trying to live on rice cakes, candy, and coffee. start caring what you think. start letting your heart lead. start taking a risk. start writing. start walking. start singing. start being playful. start opening your close clutching hands. start earlier. start planning. start preparing. start dedicating. start being kind. start enjoying the magic. start loving. start speaking to yourself with honest kindness. continue to breathe. continue to question. continue to tell. continue to reach out. continue to look in. continue praying, dancing, cooking, offering. speaking. continue being gentle. continue being brave. stop. start. continue. be.
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AuthorHi. That's me. I write, sometimes, about parenting, storytelling, and about living a life with stories. Categories
April 2023